Homeopathic supplements are supplements formulated and used according to the principles of homeopathy. These products are forms of homeopathic medicines presented in very low doses and in diluted form.

Homeopathic supplements contain active ingredients derived from substances of plant, mineral or animal origin. These substances go through a special preparation process in line with homeopathic principles. In this process, substances are diluted and subjected to a violent shaking or titration process called potentiation. These processes claim to transfer energy to the substance and increase the effectiveness of the drug.

Homeopathic supplements are used to alleviate the symptoms of various health problems or to support the body’s own healing mechanisms. According to homeopathy, the right choice of homeopathic support should be made taking into account the symptoms and individual characteristics of the patient. The use of these products is determined depending on the severity and duration of symptoms and the individual situation.

Homeopathic supplements can be found in different forms such as tablets, granules, drops or ointments. They are usually taken orally and are absorbed when dissolved under the tongue or chewed slowly.

Scientifically sound evidence on the efficacy and safety of homeopathic supplements is limited. Most studies have shown that homeopathy is no more than a placebo effect or superior to standard medical treatments in terms of efficacy. Therefore, caution should be exercised in the use of homeopathic supplements and a healthcare professional should be consulted.

In summary, homeopathic supplements are supplements prepared and used according to the principles of homeopathy. However, there is controversy over their scientific support and effectiveness. When faced with any health problem, it is important to consult a healthcare professional.