Bioresonance is a term used in the field of alternative medicine. It is a method used to regulate the energy balance in the body and support health.
In bioresonance, organs, tissues and cells in the body produce electrical vibrations. While these vibrations occur in a harmonious and balanced way in a healthy body, the balance of these vibrations can be disrupted in cases of illness or illness. Bioresonance aims to analyze these vibrations in the body and correct the inconsistencies.
Generally, Bioresonance is performed using a device that measures electrical signals received from the body. This device analyzes signals received from the body and detects potential energy imbalances. It then sends vibrational frequencies to correct these imbalances.
It is claimed that bioresonance can be used in the treatment of various ailments. These can include conditions such as allergies, digestive issues, chronic pain, immune system issues, and stress. However, scientific evidence on bioresonance is limited and there is controversy over its effectiveness.
An important point is that Bioresonance is not a substitute for traditional medical diagnosis and treatment methods. When faced with any health problem, it is important to consult a doctor and seek appropriate medical advice.